Calligram/Letter to myself

Dear future me, By the time you read this you will be 40 years old. Hopefully you will be very successful in your life, living happy with your future husband (which better be the current boy you've been dating for a year), and two kids. You also better have a labradoodle dog because you've been talking about getting one forever. What kind of job do you have? Are you working for a major sports company like you've always wanted to? This letter is from 20-year-old you. Currently, you are trying to balance work, school, sorority, social life, mental health, and so much more, just like most 20-year-olds your age. Your life plan right now is to stay in Florida after college and work and start your life with a big girl job. You also will have a crap ton of loans so hopefully you are paying those off or have them paid off by now. Right now, your life consists of being a full-time student, a part time retail associate, a full-time sorority girl and you still have time to go out on...